Club Activities

(All activities meet at our Clubhouse, Leisure Shores, unless otherwise noted)

  • A selection of various art works on display.

    Art Group

    Whether you’ve never picked up a brush or are a seasoned professional, there’s a place in our Art Group for you. Members work on their own pieces in an open studio setting, getting advice from other members and especially the group’s leader Becky Biging, a talented artist with years of experience teaching others.

    Meets Friday at 10 am in the Fireside Room.

  • Book as seen from the bottom, with pages fanned out.

    Book Club

    The Page Turners Book Club meets each month for a lively discussion of books selected by the group. Some special meetings may include the authors themselves! Check our Facebook page or the club newsletter to learn what we’re reading this month.

    Meets every 4th Friday in the Lobby at 9:30 am.

  • Ten smiling bowlers in a group at the bowling alley.


    The Bowling Group gets together once a week for good times and great games. Since it’s not in an official league, you can drop in anytime you like. Games are $5 each, and shoe rental is available.

    Meets every Thursday at 2 pm at Rim Bowling, 23991 Lake Drive in Crestline. Led by Leonard and Dawn Verner.

  • Text: "Bunco - It's How We Roll!


    Bunco is a fast moving game that you can learn in minutes, but play for hours. To get on the roster for player openings, call the main office at 909 338-5036.

    Bunco meets on the first and fifth Wednesday at 9:30 am in the Fireside Room; bring $5 if you are playing. Led by Marianne Black.

    (Keep scrolling, there’s lots more!)

  • Community Sew

    Community Sew is a group of dedicated sewists who work on projects to benefit the community - such as backpacks for foster kids, so they have their own personal place for their possessions when they have to relocate. We also teach sewing skills if you are looking to learn.

    Meets every 4th Monday in the Fireside Room. Led by Phyllis Rattely.

  • Set up for Mexican Train dominos

    Dominoes/Game Day

    It’s called “Domino Cubano” in Mexico, “Pai Gow” in China, and “Longana” in Cuba - in the U.S., we call it “Mexican Train”, and it’s a lot of fun. Dominoes is a part of GAME DAY; an assortment of popular board and card games are available for an afternoon of fun.

    Meets every Tuesday at 1 pm in the Fireside Room. Led by Betty Kolbe.

  • City lights seen from space.

    "The Experiment" Science Group

    Join a group of intelligent friends who are curious about Science and Technology. Sometimes it’s a discussion, sometimes it’s a guest speaker, sometimes it’s a field trip, but always it’s interesting.

    Meets every second Wednesday at 10 am, Fireside Room. Led by Art Dixon.

  • Introduction to Spanish

    Studies show that learning a second language creates new neural connections that help prevent cognitive disorders. It’s also fun and useful, and we have a talented instructor in native speaker Jeronimo Breen.

    Meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday at 10 am in the Fireside Room. Led by Linda Varela.

    (But wait, there’s more!)

  • Mountain Music Makers performing.

    Mountain Music Makers

    If you enjoy playing an instrument, singing, or just listening, there’s a place for you here. In addition to weekly jam and practice sessions, the Mountain Music Makers also perform at various Club functions as well as in the community.

    Meets every Monday at 10 am in the Lakeside Room. Led by Jackie MacLaren.

  • People watching a movie together.

    Movie Matinee

    Twice a month, we enjoy a movie matinee usually featuring a recently released drama or comedy. We also occasionally dig into the movie vaults for classics. Bring popcorn and a friend. Check our Facebook page or the club newsletter to see what we’re showing this month.

    Every 1st and 3rd Friday at 1 pm in the Fireside Room. Led by Megan Miller.

  • Collage of vintage television shows.

    Oldies But Goodies

    Hey Boomer! Ever feel that the young whippersnappers just don’t get it? Join a group of friends to laugh, reminisce, and just generally have a great time. Every meeting there’s music, quizzes and things you haven’t thought about in years. If you don’t leave with a smile on your face, well, I just don’t know.

    Meets Every Thursday at 1:00 pm in the Fireside Room. Created by Jerry and George Faragalli and led by George Faragalli.

  • P.E.A.R.L.S.

    P.E.A.R.L.S. stands for “Program for Enriching Active Rewarding Lives of Seniors”, and is brought to us by Rim Family Services, Inc. P.E.A.R.L.S. is a safe and friendly place to discuss the challenges of growing older, play games, and listen to guest speakers on topics of interest to an older demographic. It’s a particularly good group for those with mobility issues who still want to get out of the house and have fun.

    Meets every Tuesday at 9:30 am in the Fireside Room. Led by Jessica Ehler of Rim Family Services, Inc.

    (Keep going!)

  • Fingers lifting edge of cards on poker table to reveal an Ace and a King

    Texas Hold-em Poker

    Once a month, the Fireside Room hosts steely-eyed poker players in some cut-throat hands of Texas Hold-em. No money is exchanged, but bragging rights abound. Please RSVP at the Office if you're planning to attend

    Meets every third Monday of the month at 1 pm in the Fireside Room. Let by long-time Poker teacher and enthusiast Ray Turner or one of his associates.

  • Two veterans with their newly received Quilts of Valor.

    Quilts of Valor

    Quilts of Valor is a 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to honoring veterans for their notable service by providing them with a handmade quilt made especially for them. The Quilt says unequivocally, “Thank you for your service and sacrifice in serving our nation.” A chapter of this organization meets here in the Fireside Room to plan, piece and sew quilts for local veterans. If you like to quilt, we can use your talents. For more information on the Quilts of Valor Foundation, go here.

    Meets every 3rd Monday at 9 am in the Fireside Room. Led by Dr. Ginger Gabriel.

  • Woman in standing yoga pose with closed eyes.


    Yoga is highly beneficial for overall health, flexibility, and mental calm. We offer two classes per week, and both include Chair Yoga for those who prefer it.

    Meets every Monday at noon (a $10 class) and Wednesdays at 2 pm (Free) in the Lakeside Room. Led by Sandra Johnson.

  • Walk Around Lake Gregory

    Thanks to popular demand, we now have a walking group! Walk Around Lake Gregory meets every Wednesday at 8:30 am. During the winter months they are meeting in the upstairs coffee area at Goodwin’s Market, then walking if weather permits. Created and led by Art Dixon. See their schedule at Walk Around Lake Gregory on Facebook.

    (Keep scrolling for the important finish!)

  • Older woman leaning out of window smiling.

    What's Next?

    We’re always open to new ideas for groups and activities. Got something you’d like to see? Let us know!

    We are particularly looking for people interested in leading an exercise activity or dancing right now.

  • (No image)

    Philosophy Group

    Ready to ask the big questions, the kind that lead to more questions? Join a group oflike-minded seekers who wish to explore what the great minds in our past thought about Life with a capital“L”.

    Please note that this is a religion and politics-free zone. Led by William J.


    Develop flexibility and balance, and improve your ability to handle stress, prevent falls, and possibly man-age pain with this evolved Chinese martial art that is practiced world-wide. Its gentle movements are easy to learn and can be done at home. Plan to attend the entire 10 week series as each week’s movement lesson flows into the following week’s lesson.

    Meets every Monday at 1:30 in the Lakeside Room starting March 17. Led by Marilyn Alicea of the San Bernardino County’s Department of Public Health, Nutrition, and Wellness Services.

  • Weekly Schedule

    Description To get a better idea of what’s going on week -to-week, visit our Facebook page. This month’s calendar may be seen here.goes here